All Forms & Reports

In order to set up a new membership we will need an Application for Service to be filled out and returned to our office. We will also need a DEQ Septic Approval letter and copy of the Warranty Deed.  Once we have recieved the form our Operators will survey the Easement area of your property to be sure a service connection is possible in your area.  Once we have determined service is readily possible, the new membership fee of $1,200.00, an Easement Form and a Water Service Agreement will need to be delivered to our office prior to the instillation of a meter.  Please see the District's By-Laws and Rules and Regulations for specifications of service.  If you don't find the form or report you are looking for, please give us a call or stop by and visit us. We will gladly provide you with the information you need.

Payment Draft Forms:

Bank Draft Authorization Form 


New Membership Required Forms:

New Membership Application

Easement Form

Key Member Reminders

Water User Agreement

Relevant Documents